Teenage also referred to as the children of age group 13-19 is one of the most crucial stages of life where nutrition becomes of utmost use and the health earned during teenage goes on to fight the body against diseases in the future. Teenage also comes with adolescence which is a beautiful phase of life where the body develops itself and turns into an adult being. The hormones play a very important role in how the body functions during teenage and they are directly related to the type of diet a teenager consumes. With the teenage years come a tremendous amount of changes in the body. The teen grows emotionally, functionally, and intellectually, developing a sense of independence, identity, and self-esteem during these years. The teen also grows physically, increasing their need for calories and nutrients. Helping the teenager develop a positive relationship with food will go a long way in guiding him or her to become the healthy, self-reliant adult you want him to be so ...